We’ve all been there – walking up a hill with grocery bags in each hand, sweating profusely from the sun with a mask strapped to our face. We remove the mask for a couple seconds to wipe away the sweat and take a deep breath, then place it back over our mouths and noses to continue the climb.

Breathing – something we used to take for granted – has never been so relevant, and learning how to effectively breathe with a mask is extremely important.

Before putting on your mask, take a deep breath: in through your nose for three seconds, out of your mouth for five seconds. Repeat this three times. Then as you walk, breathe in tune to your footsteps. For every three steps you take, breathe in through your nose, then for every five steps you take, breathe out of your mouth.

You’ll find that this exercise will help regulate your breathing with your mask on. Wearing the mask cuts off the air circulation that we’re used to without the mask.

So hopefully the next time you’re stuck on that hill with those heavy bags, you’ll remember this exercise and it will make the climb a tad easier.